Thursday, November 22, 2007

Formula to make a MILLION dollars

Earl Nightingale, a master of success, has these sure steps of success. Read it everyday in the morning and before you end your day and see if you are following his steps. If you do then RICHES surely will come..GUARANTEED..

"1. Get into a profession that you find to be of deep personal interest, something you really enjoy spending 12 or 15 hours a day working at, and then rest of the time thinking about that.

"2. Learn all you can about this profession, and what every successful person in this profession is doing.

"3. Submit yourself completely. That is surrender yourself to this profession and make up your mind to be the best at it.

"4. Develop patience. Realize that one of the most important virtues of success is knowing how long it takes to succeed. In fact, you must be in your profession for at least 5 years without loosing your razor thin FOCUS.

"5. Learn to ignore the unimportant and distraction. You've got to learn to use your time wisely.

"6. Be creative. Think "out of the box" and never take "NO" for an answer.

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