Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Power of DESIRE

Cultivating inner deep, burning desire transmutes into the seeds of faith that keeps one's remarkable journey to achieve unthinkable. Burning desire is a life line to a sparkle of idea that eventually becomes pathway to one's success beyond limits. Deep, burning desire backed with deeply rooted faith helped Thomas Edison to invent light bulb after he failed thousand times.
It was same fiery desire that kept Henry Ford who never attended high school let alone college dreaming to build an automobile which later changed the economic landscape of America. It was burning desire of Edwin C Barnes, who dream to be a partner of the greatest inventor Thomas Edison, to lift him out of his humble begging and to become a millionaire.

Before you can Create a Desire you must have a clear Mental Image of what
you need to Desire. Thus by constant positive, persistence thoughts of the desired outcome demands your subconscious mind to prioritize this desire and start directing your actions towards attainment of the desired outcome.

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